Sunday, April 03, 2005

And Blog Begat Blog

Are blogs crippling, if not dooming the future of our economy and our democracy? I say almost certainly yes. The only reason I sit before you as a "blogger" is that to comment on another blog I was reading the program forced me to make my own blog. And it's free! What is going on in the world?

What might I have done in the time it took me to choose a name, design template, and post these first few messages? Undoubtedly, something more useful. How much more of my life will I commit to this counterproductive exercise in self-righteous and pseudointellectual soapboxing? And what the hell are you doing reading this? Make your own blog!

[I apologize for the overuse of question marks and exclamation points in the preceding two paragraphs. I will attempt to control my use of such unconventional punctuation in the near and distant future]


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