Sunday, June 19, 2005

Carrying A Casket In St. Thomas + Wally George

I don't recall blogging on my casket-carrying experience. It was quite something, and none other than 2/xths (x meaning between 4 and 9) of my blog-viewing public have firsthand experience of the...well, experience ("experience" is probably the most trite and generic of words used to describe personal human happenings, but in fairness to those who carelessly use the term, what else is out there to say, hey! this happened to me!?).

The reason I bring it up is because I'm watching Jackass: The Movie and I'm reminded of an episode of Jackass! the tv show (I'm selectively hyperlinking pop culture titles because the computer I happen to be using uses a pointing stick (a la IBM's ThinkPad) as its sole pointing device, and I'm simply not a fan/used to such things (should "tv" definitely be capitalized, or is that a sort of discretionary/stylistic thing? SisterMode is our best hope here)(notice that you probably have stopped accounting for my open/close parenthesis matching at this point in your PositiveMode fandom)(but is it right???)).

The point is, carrying a casket inevitably brought to mind the idea of accidentally dropping it, and therefore an imaginary watching a body fall from its half-opening, followed by a half-hearted (although successful, but demoralizing) attempt to put the body back in its original box.

I've told the story with much more enthusiasm and detail, but it's late in the morning, and ask me later.

It will be shocking (or at least surprising, as it is unrelated to the first two-thirds of the post) to all PositiveMode enthusiasts to learn that the primary impetus behind launching this post was my recent discovery of the death of Wally George. He had a weird show. Port McClellan (apologies, Port, on my nonextrapolation of apple reproduction, but I intend to elaborate in time) recently reported on another Orange County legend; well, I suspect that Mr. George was as "Orange" as they come.

I guess when you get one chance per three weeks to access a computer that allows you to hyperlink (what a nerdy standard, by the way) you end up posting this nonsense. Well, at least you can know for another day that it's not over. Perhaps my remaining loyal readers will take sufficient Solace in that.


At 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back away from the computer..very slowly...

Now Bill, don't smoke crack before posting on the internet.


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