Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The State of The Blog

I want to briefly attempt to explain the intermittence of postings on PositiveMode in the two weeks since its first week (I think I got off to a good start as a blogger, but have sort of fallen off - sort of not being remotely close to an accurate description of my falling-off, of course: really, or even extremely would be more accurate (the hyphen you see previously in this sentence in a previous time would have been the beginning of another parenthetical phrase, but I'm trying to reduce my use of compound parentheses (what are double- and triple-width hyphens called? someone post a comment before I have to do some research)) but anyway I've fallen off).

Unfortunately, due to scheduling constraints that have now been further constrained by my brief pontification on parentheses and other punctuation, I don't have time to adequately discuss my blog-falling-off.

Suffice it to say that PositiveMode is suffering something of an identity crisis - I'm mired in a self-destructive (more correctly blog-destructive) desire to create a true identity for PositiveMode - and thus I have been far too miserly in my selection of topics to blog on.

Well this time things are going to be different. Expect new things out of PositiveMode. Actually, expect more of the same great technical and artistic excellence that you came to expect from PositiveMode on day one. Here I make my impassioned plea that you don't abandon me (or more correctly, the Blog) on the dawn of our most dynamic and amazing collective achievemence (that word is another dictionarial and spelling-linguistic experiment, I welcome your comment).


At 1:03 PM, Blogger PositiveMode said...

what about "achievementhood"?


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