Monday, April 11, 2005

Fate Can Play a Strange Game Sometimes, Lieutenant

In an odd development of internet proportions, it seems that the only easily locatable website that has a transcription of William Shatner's groundbreaking (grounshattering, really) performance as former Striker brother-at-arms Buck Murdock in Airplane II: The Sequel, is some Eastern European site (Czech??) which offers first a translation of the sequence into its language, and then posts it in English (with a few lines slightly incorrect, but that would only be noticeable to the seasoned II viewer, in this case, myself; in addition, there is no indication of when the line switches to another character, but it doesn't really affect the effect of the transcription, particularly if you know the scene well). There is also a great picture of Shatner on the site, which I assure you will be on this blog's main page within 8 hours.

I would appreciate reader input as to what language this actually is.

Buck Murdock offers some priceless gems of wisdom (pearls, if you will) in the midst of a semi-monologue that is determinedly goal-driven and confidence-inspiring, though simultaneously highly paranoid and totally insane. I do have to say that I, too might be inclined to preemptively assemble a file of everyone who's seen The Sound of Music more than four times, although thinking about it I fear that I may have seen it at least three times (substantial parts, at least).

Enjoy Shatner HERE


At 5:26 PM, Blogger NegativeMode said...

To watch the video of this groundbreaking clip, be sure to check out Once again, NegativeMode has provided a superior product.

Disclaimer: This is in no way meant to demean the commentary provided on PositiveMode, which is quite good and enjoyable. NegativeMode is just better.

At 12:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you're right, it's czech. it certainly looks like czech, and the url includes .cz, which is czech.


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